Vitamin C, also referred as L-ascorbic acid, and it’s a water-soluble vitamin which is naturally present in certain foods that are available as a daily required dietary supplement.
Foods item that rich in vitamin C are as follows
Fruits & vegetables such as – Citrus fruits, tomatoes and tomato juice, as well as potatoes . Beside these red and green peppers, kiwifruit, broccoli, strawberries, brussels sprouts, & cantaloupe are also main sources of vitamin C others such as seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, legumes (beans & peas), nuts, seeds, & soy products as well.
Those foods that contain vitamin C their amount decrease by prolonged storage and by cooking as ascorbic acid is water soluble and thus it’s property destroyed by heat.
That’s why the best food sources of vitamin C, for example fruits as well as vegetables, are mostly consumed raw and thus get profit from vitamin C.
It is needed for the biosynthesis of collagen ( It’s an essential component of connective tissue, that plays a major role in wound healing process), L-carnitine, as well as certain neurotransmitters.
Besides these vitamin C can be engaged in protein metabolism and is also a valuable physiological antioxidant as well as has been shown to regenerate other antioxidants within the body, having alpha-tocopherol i.e vitamin E.
Role of vitamin C
It is believed that vitamin C help to prevent or delay the development of some cancers, cardiovascular disease, as well as the diseases where there is oxidative stress plays a vital causal role and also helps in wound healing.It also plays a valuable role in immune function & improves the absorption of nonheme iron, Age related macular degeneration ( AMD) & cataracts certain viral infection (flu, COVID 19 etc) protection as well.

Groups at risk of vitamin C deficiency
Smokers and passive ” smokers”.
• Boiled or evaporated milk that is fed to infants or babies.
• person with limited sources of food items.
• Malabsorption and certain chronic inflammatory diseases.
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Vitamin C
• 0-6 month Male – 40 mg, female – 40mg
• 7- 12 months Male – 50 mg, female – 50 mg
• 1-3 years Male – 15 mg, female – 15 mg
• 4 -8 years Male – 25 mg , female – 25 mg
• 9- 13 years Male – 45 mg , female – 45 mg
• 14 -18 years Male – 75 mg , female – 65 mg , pregnancy – 80 mg , lactating mother – 115 mg
• 19 + years Male – 90 mg , female – 75 mg , pregnancy – 85 mg , lactating mother – 120 mg
Note :- Person who used to smoke they need 35 mg/day more amount of vitamin C than non – smokers .
Deficiency of Vitamin C results
Scurvy and collagen synthesis also becomes impaired and thus connective tissues ( CT) become weakened resulting petechiae, ecchymoses, purpura, joint pain, poor wound healing process, hyperkeratosis, as well as corkscrew hairs too. Beside these Iron deficiency anemia results too.
Role of vitamin C in COVID 19 treatment
Different researches based
Dietary supplements containing vitamin C along with vitamin D i.e are a safe, low-cost,as well as an effective way of improving the immune system fight off COVID19 and others acute respiratory tract diseases according to the research done by Adrian Gombart of Oregon State University’s Linus Pauling Institute & collaborators at the University of Southampton (U K), the University of Otago (New Zealand) & University medical center ( Netherlands).
Also large doses of intravenous (IV) Vitamin C are being tried in COVID-19 critical patients on ventilators in China and it’s do some improvement.
There are no evidence to prove consuming a high amount of vitamin C is effective against coronavirus.According to Dr Rajan Ravichandra ( Nephrologist) caution is required in consuming mega doses of vitamins without prescriptions, especially for long periods.
Vitamin C is an effective molecule in fighting the novel corona-virus, according to an expert of Istanbul. They were using hydroxy chloroquine and favipiravir besides these, have high-dose vitamin C is being used Professor Mutlu Demiray, a scientific advisor at the Health Sciences University in Istanbul said.
Demiray said Vitamin C interact with those drugs, and thus has’t side effects & is safe and is effective in treating COVID-19, mentioned study in scientific journal JAMA that “noticed out that giving vitamin C to ICU patients with lung damage that decreases the risk of death by approx. 20%.” He told it as using it improve immunity thus support in COVID 19 patients.
For COVID 19 treatment for instance, the Association of Indonesian Clinical Nutrition Specialists (PDGKI) recommends administering 1 gram of vitamin C orally daily in mild case or a high dose i.e 4 grams IV, i.e followed by 1 gram every 8 hours in case of critical or severe case.
It is believed that IV Vit-C being particularly effective by inhibiting the production of cytokines storm due to Corvid19 situations.
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