Wet dreams / Nocturnal emission/ Night fall are when a person orgasms involuntarily while they are sleeping and that is  because of a certain dream , that can be erotic  or not be erotic and person experience while waking up in morning by finding a sticky and wet areas in their own underwear and pants as well.

In other sense this is also refered as a nocturnal emission or night fall too.Nocturnal means “at night” & emission meaning “discharge.” That gives  sense because a wet dream is when semen  is discharged from the penis during ejaculation while a man  asleep.


Usually night fall  happens most of male during dreams who has sexual pictures roaming around  on their mind  and this happened mosterly in modern life because of many distractions such as pornography and internate .

Those young male who watch porn movies they face problems with night fall. It can be  spontaneous emissions because they happens  without  the concious control. 

Wet dreams completely normal not to be panic and person feel embarrassing to discuss this matter with family members and friends as well. Thus person need to visit doctor to know real fact about it.

Most wet dreams are reported in teenage boys and young men, and sometimes they occur well into adulthood as well . Some males have more frequent wet dreams than others it’s doesn’t mean that there anything wrong with that males.

Wet dreams won’t  caused by masturbation during sleep; can occur without any manual stimulation.

In research male and female reported that approximately 8% of their everyday dreams consists certain structure of sex related activities and 4% of sex related dreams in both male and female results in orgasms.

  Facts about Wet dream, Nocturnal emission, Night fall

1. Wet dreams  don’t reduce the  sperm count in male because it’s a natural body process to excuse the overflowing content from testicular sac and boost the regular making of healthy count of sperms.
2. Women can also  have wet dreams ( female wet dream might  result in orgasm as well as additional vaginal secretions from arousal too).
3. Wet dreams don’t  reduce a person’s immunity as well . Actually it happens when there is absence of masturbation or sex in order release sperms .

4.They usually happen during puberty mostly in male . 
5. It doesn’t show any sign of illness that’s why not to be get stressed .
6. Usually masturbation is not the solution and probably can’t  prevent wet dreams.
7. They won’t caused shrinking of  a penis as sexual helth doesn’t depend on size of male reproductive organ. It’s better to consult sexologist in case of certain quistions related to wet dreams.
8. Some people never have wet dreams in their daily life .
9. Not present always  an erotic dreams.
10. It is bleaved that sleeping on the stomach may trigger  a wet dream to occur.

Causes of wet dreams 

Young or adolescent can have a sexually arousing dream during sleep, and body releases semen via  ejaculation. In many of cases there is not clear cut reasons about wet dreams .However some reasons description given below as :
1. Wet dreams could be due to the high level of testosterone  present in males in periods of sexual  inactivity.
2. Starts of testosterone production in male and is associated with sperm production and  it’s happens due to cause it.
3. REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep.
4. Weak nerves, congested prostate gland and inability to control emotions.
5. Side effects of medicines like tranquilizers, high blood pressure medicines, sedatives etc. 
6. Lethargic lifestyle, diabetes, obesity, long sitting hours, low libido, stress, anxiety and depression affect the balance of hormones, weakening the nerves and causing night fall.

Management of wet dreams

1.  Regular exercises and jogging keep the body fit and taking a bath before sleeping relaxes the mind and also make plus point  in sleeping, and causing  reducing the possibility of night fall or wet dreams.
2.  It is said that doing urination  before going to bed can help in preventing nightfall as well.
3. Refraining from watching porn or sexually explicit visuals before going to bed will keep nightfall away .
4. Reading books before going to sleep can reduce the possibility of getting wet dream. 
5. Thinking some positive vibes and creational activities before falling asleep that might reduces wet dreams.
6. Before going to  bed practice to do meditation or some relaxation techniques.
7. Avoid sleeping on stomach inorder to reduce the chance of getting wet dreams. Lying on  side or back might be helpful to reduce but it’s not well known .
8. Masturbation regularly before going to bed  need to be done in order to release old sperms. It’s won’t make guarantee but it might help in some extent.
9. Make a healthy relationship with sex if in case of sexully active .
10. It’s beleave that taking some natural home remedies might help  to stop wet dreams .
11. Better to drink sage tea in the evening time inorder to make body relax.
12. Chew some garlic cloves before going to bed that helps to reduce blood flow towards genitals and that might help to prevent erections and can’t have wet dreams.
13. Honey with fenugreek juice  and cerlery juice before going to bed.
14. Having yogurt twice or thrice a day can reduce the chances of occuring wet dreams
15. Take warm bath with essential oils .
16. Add aphrodisiac foodstuffs in diet.
17. Take Indian gooseberry is most effective in order to stop wet dreams.
18. Bananas andd small pieces of the basil root with water also be helpful to stop wet dreams.
19. Daily intake of 5-6 gm of crushed pomegranate peel at morning and evening is helpful.
20. Taking coriander is also effective.
21. Drink minimum 10-12 glasses of water . 
22. Increase intake of dite containing vitamin C , E and B12.
23. Last but not least , try to avoid smoking , drinking , over fatty , spices , junk , as well fast foods. Take hygenic diet regularly .


At last wet dreams are normal not to panic . Its natural process to wash out over production contents . People not need to feel guilty. Just woke up from bed , make smile on face and clean the whole body mostly genital areas.

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