- Rice-watery stool seen in Cholera
- Bence- Jones proteinuria in Multiple myeloma.
- String Sign & Cobblestone appearance in Crohn disease
- Cheese like discharge in Candidiasis
- Miosis + ptosis + anhidrosis in Horner's syndrome
- Doll's eye in Increased IOP
- Swollen parotid gland in Mumps
- Needle shaped negatively birefringent crystals in Gout
- Rod-shaped with blunt ends and are positively birefringent in Pseudogout
- String of beads sign in fibromuscular dysplasia
- Orphan annie nuclei in papillary thyroid carcinoma
- WBC Casts in pyelonephritis
- Wire Loop Glomeruli in lupus nephropathy, type IV
- Curschmanns spirals in Bronchial asthma
- Ribbon-like, foul smelling stool in Hirschprung's disease
- Vomiting, passing out of worms in Ascariasis
- Port wine stain in sturge weber syndrome
- Janeway lesion in infective endocarditis
- Fish mouth buttonhole deformity in Rheumatic M.S
- Pill Rolling Tremors in Parkinson's Disease
- Hobnail liver in alcoholic cirrhosis
- Heinz bodies in G6PD deficiency
- Councilman bodies in Viral & Toxic Hepatitis
- Vesiculopapular rash in Chicken Pox
- Homer- Wright rosettes in Neuroblastoma
- Vertigo, Tinnitus in Meniere's disease
- Clue cell in bacterial vaginosis
- Call-Exner bodies in Granulosa/thecal cell tumor of the ovary
- Chocolate cyst in endometriosis
- Happy tachypnea in cyanotic cardiac disease
- Boot-shaped heart inTetralogy af Fallot
- Mallory bodies in alcoholic liver disease
- Kussmaul breathing in DKA
- Risus sardonicus, lockjaw in Tetanus
- Ghon complex in primary tuberculosis
- Cowdry type A bodies in Herpes virus.
- Neuritic Plaques in Alzheimer's
- Neurofibrillary Tangles in Alzheimer's
- Poker's sign, Haynes sign in Poliomyelitis
- Gluten sensitivity,watery,foul-smelling stool in Celiac Disease
- Aschoff nodules in Rheumatic fever
- Leonine facies (thickened lion-like facial skin) Nerve involvement with acid fast bacilli in Leprosy
- Hair on end appearance of the skull inchronic haemolysis (thalassaemia and sickle cell anaemia )
- Councilman bodies in Viral & Toxic Hepatitis
- Smudge cell in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Vaso-occlusive crisis in Sickle cell anemia
- Murphy's sign (pain on deep inspiration when inflamed gallbladder is palpated) in Cholecystitis
- 3c's=coughing, choking, cyanosis in Tracheoesophageal fistula
- Birbeck granules in Histiocytosis X
- Stellate shaped cell in cardiac myxoma
- Karyotype in females, webbed neck, gonadal dysgenesis in Turner's Syndrome
- Oculo-masticatory myorhythmia in Whipple's disease
- Calf pseudohypertrophy in Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
- Donovan Bodies in granuloma inguinale (STD)
- Eburnation in osteoarthritis
- Donavan bodies in granuloma inguinale
- Double bubble sign in Duodenal atresia
- Pulsating abdominal mass in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Auer rod in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- Zebra body in mucopolysaccharide type 1
- Kayser-Fleischer ring in Wilson s disease
- Beefy Red Tongue (Schilling's Test) in Pernicious Anemia
- Bamboo spine in ankylosing spondylitis
- Psammoma bodies in papillary thyroid carcinoma
- Heberden's and bouchard's nodes in osteoarthritis
- Hydrophobia and negri bodies in Rabies
- Wheezing on expirations in asthma
- Tophi in gif toe in Gout
- Muddy brown casts in Acute tubular necrosis
- slapped-cheek appearance in Erythema infectiosum
- Cogwheel rigidity + Bradykinesia + tremor at rest in Parkinson
- Rocking, spinning, routines in Autism
- Cushing's Triad ( hypertension, bradycardia and irregular respirations ) in intracranial pressure (ICP)
- Peaud' orange in infalammatrory breast cancer
- Paroxysmal cough ending with a whoop in Pertusis
- Azotemia + Uremic frost on skin in Acute Renal Failure
- Ihermitte's sign in multiple sclerosis
- Parkinsonian symptoms + autonomic insufficiency in Shy-Drager syndrome
- Bronze-like skin pigmentation in Addison's disease
- Painless bright red bleeding in Placenta previa
- Clear halo around nucleus in paget disease of nipple
- Grayish, white discharge, malodorous in Bacterial Vaginosis
- Cat's eye reflex (grayish discoloration of pupils) in Retinoblastoma
- Uhthoffs phenomenon in multiple sclerosis
- Raccoon's eye in basilar skull fracture
- Chipmunk facies (parotid gland swelling) seen in Bulimia Nervosa
- CSF analysis include albuminocytologic dissociation in Guillain-Barre syndrome
- Hodgkin and Reed-Sternburg cells in Hodgkin's Lymphoma
- Cigarette paper like cytoplasm appearance in gaucher s D
- Orange eyes in Leptospirosis
- Stony dull percussion in Pleural effusion
- Mucoid, foul explosive blood tinged stool in Amoebiasis
- Pneumatosis intestinalis in necrotizing enterocolitis
- Stepladder Fever in typhoid fever
- Proximal muscle weakness after repetitive activity in myasthenia gravis
- Cullen's Sign (Bluish in periumbilical area) in Pancreatitis
- Shawl sign + V sign in dermatomyositis
- Levine's sign (hand clutching of chest) in ischemic chest pain
- Red beefy tongue in Pernicious anemia
- Libman-Sacks endocarditis in SLE
- Rule of 2 in meckel's diverticulum
- Rovsing Sign (Right Left Quadrant pain with palpation in Left lower quadrant) in Appendicitis
- Delayed passage meconium more than 24 hours in hirschsprung's disease
- Ace of spades appearance in volvulus
- Psoas Sign in Appendicitis
- Pericardial friction rub in Pericarditis
- Grey-Turner's sign (ecchymosis in flank area) in Chronic hemorrhagic pancreatitis
- CREST syndrome in Systemic Sclerosis
- Buffalo Hump in Cushing's syndrome
- Trousseau sign and Chvostek sign in hypocalcemia
- Gowers' sign in Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy
- Kernig's sign and Brudzinski's sign in Meningitis
- Rouleaux Formation in multiple myeloma RBC's stacked as poker chips
- Schwartzman Reaction in Neisseria meningitidis impressive rash with b
- Tunnel vision in Glucoma
- Plexiform neurofibroma in Neurofibromatosis
- Chocolate colored blood in methemoglobinemia
- Rebound tenderness (McBurney's point) in Appendicitis
- Cotton wool spots in hypertensive retinopathy
- Feeling of fullness at vagina in Cystocele and Rectocele
- Owl's eye appearance of inclusion bodies in CMV infection
- Soap Bubble on X-Ray in giant cell tumor of bone
- Spike & Dome Glomeruli in membranous glomerulonephritis
- Herman's sign in Dengue
- Homan's Sign in DVT
Part 2
- Bence- Jones proteinuria in Multiple myeloma.
- String Sign & Cobblestone appearance in Crohn disease
- Cheese like discharge in Candidiasis
- Miosis + ptosis + anhidrosis in Horner's syndrome
- Doll's eye in Increased IOP
- Swollen parotid gland in Mumps
- Needle shaped negatively birefringent crystals in Gout
- Rod-shaped with blunt ends and are positively birefringent in Pseudogout
- String of beads sign in fibromuscular dysplasia
- Orphan annie nuclei in papillary thyroid carcinoma
- WBC Casts in pyelonephritis
- Wire Loop Glomeruli in lupus nephropathy, type IV
- Curschmanns spirals in Bronchial asthma
- Ribbon-like, foul smelling stool in Hirschprung's disease
- Vomiting, passing out of worms in Ascariasis
- Port wine stain in sturge weber syndrome
- Janeway lesion in infective endocarditis
- Fish mouth buttonhole deformity in Rheumatic M.S
- Pill Rolling Tremors in Parkinson's Disease
- Hobnail liver in alcoholic cirrhosis
![]() |
- Councilman bodies in Viral & Toxic Hepatitis
- Vesiculopapular rash in Chicken Pox
- Homer- Wright rosettes in Neuroblastoma
- Vertigo, Tinnitus in Meniere's disease
- Clue cell in bacterial vaginosis
- Call-Exner bodies in Granulosa/thecal cell tumor of the ovary
- Chocolate cyst in endometriosis
- Happy tachypnea in cyanotic cardiac disease
- Boot-shaped heart inTetralogy af Fallot
- Mallory bodies in alcoholic liver disease
- Kussmaul breathing in DKA
- Risus sardonicus, lockjaw in Tetanus
- Ghon complex in primary tuberculosis
- Cowdry type A bodies in Herpes virus.
- Neuritic Plaques in Alzheimer's
- Neurofibrillary Tangles in Alzheimer's
- Poker's sign, Haynes sign in Poliomyelitis
- Gluten sensitivity,watery,foul-smelling stool in Celiac Disease
- Aschoff nodules in Rheumatic fever
- Leonine facies (thickened lion-like facial skin) Nerve involvement with acid fast bacilli in Leprosy
- Hair on end appearance of the skull inchronic haemolysis (thalassaemia and sickle cell anaemia )
- Councilman bodies in Viral & Toxic Hepatitis
- Smudge cell in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Vaso-occlusive crisis in Sickle cell anemia
- Murphy's sign (pain on deep inspiration when inflamed gallbladder is palpated) in Cholecystitis
- 3c's=coughing, choking, cyanosis in Tracheoesophageal fistula
- Birbeck granules in Histiocytosis X
- Stellate shaped cell in cardiac myxoma
- Karyotype in females, webbed neck, gonadal dysgenesis in Turner's Syndrome
- Oculo-masticatory myorhythmia in Whipple's disease
- Calf pseudohypertrophy in Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
- Donovan Bodies in granuloma inguinale (STD)
- Eburnation in osteoarthritis
- Donavan bodies in granuloma inguinale
- Double bubble sign in Duodenal atresia
- Pulsating abdominal mass in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Auer rod in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- Zebra body in mucopolysaccharide type 1
- Kayser-Fleischer ring in Wilson s disease
- Beefy Red Tongue (Schilling's Test) in Pernicious Anemia
- Bamboo spine in ankylosing spondylitis
- Psammoma bodies in papillary thyroid carcinoma
- Heberden's and bouchard's nodes in osteoarthritis
- Hydrophobia and negri bodies in Rabies
- Wheezing on expirations in asthma
- Tophi in gif toe in Gout
- Muddy brown casts in Acute tubular necrosis
- slapped-cheek appearance in Erythema infectiosum
- Cogwheel rigidity + Bradykinesia + tremor at rest in Parkinson
- Rocking, spinning, routines in Autism
- Cushing's Triad ( hypertension, bradycardia and irregular respirations ) in intracranial pressure (ICP)
- Peaud' orange in infalammatrory breast cancer
- Paroxysmal cough ending with a whoop in Pertusis
- Azotemia + Uremic frost on skin in Acute Renal Failure
- Ihermitte's sign in multiple sclerosis
- Parkinsonian symptoms + autonomic insufficiency in Shy-Drager syndrome
- Bronze-like skin pigmentation in Addison's disease
- Painless bright red bleeding in Placenta previa
- Clear halo around nucleus in paget disease of nipple
- Grayish, white discharge, malodorous in Bacterial Vaginosis
- Cat's eye reflex (grayish discoloration of pupils) in Retinoblastoma
- Uhthoffs phenomenon in multiple sclerosis
- Raccoon's eye in basilar skull fracture
- Chipmunk facies (parotid gland swelling) seen in Bulimia Nervosa
- CSF analysis include albuminocytologic dissociation in Guillain-Barre syndrome
- Hodgkin and Reed-Sternburg cells in Hodgkin's Lymphoma
- Cigarette paper like cytoplasm appearance in gaucher s D
- Orange eyes in Leptospirosis
- Stony dull percussion in Pleural effusion
- Mucoid, foul explosive blood tinged stool in Amoebiasis
- Pneumatosis intestinalis in necrotizing enterocolitis
- Stepladder Fever in typhoid fever
- Proximal muscle weakness after repetitive activity in myasthenia gravis
- Cullen's Sign (Bluish in periumbilical area) in Pancreatitis
- Shawl sign + V sign in dermatomyositis
- Levine's sign (hand clutching of chest) in ischemic chest pain
- Red beefy tongue in Pernicious anemia
- Libman-Sacks endocarditis in SLE
- Rule of 2 in meckel's diverticulum
- Rovsing Sign (Right Left Quadrant pain with palpation in Left lower quadrant) in Appendicitis
- Delayed passage meconium more than 24 hours in hirschsprung's disease
- Ace of spades appearance in volvulus
- Psoas Sign in Appendicitis
- Pericardial friction rub in Pericarditis
- Grey-Turner's sign (ecchymosis in flank area) in Chronic hemorrhagic pancreatitis
- CREST syndrome in Systemic Sclerosis
- Buffalo Hump in Cushing's syndrome
- Trousseau sign and Chvostek sign in hypocalcemia
- Gowers' sign in Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy
- Kernig's sign and Brudzinski's sign in Meningitis
- Rouleaux Formation in multiple myeloma RBC's stacked as poker chips
- Schwartzman Reaction in Neisseria meningitidis impressive rash with b
- Tunnel vision in Glucoma
- Plexiform neurofibroma in Neurofibromatosis
- Chocolate colored blood in methemoglobinemia
- Rebound tenderness (McBurney's point) in Appendicitis
- Cotton wool spots in hypertensive retinopathy
- Feeling of fullness at vagina in Cystocele and Rectocele
- Owl's eye appearance of inclusion bodies in CMV infection
- Soap Bubble on X-Ray in giant cell tumor of bone
- Spike & Dome Glomeruli in membranous glomerulonephritis
- Herman's sign in Dengue
- Homan's Sign in DVT
Part 2
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